التكتيك ، والردود الفضائية والسرقة ، أمر لا بد منه في هذا Counterattack Block War Games و Brawn و Relesees السريعة أمر لا بد منه في هذا الوسيط
Tactic, brawn and fast reflexes are a must in this modern war FPS
Counterattack Block War Games
Tactic, brawn and fast reflexes are a must in this modern war FPS
Experience the ultimate survival game of the ages in Counterattack Block War Games . This modern military shooting strategy game features extreme fighting action. Play as a sniper and hunt down deadly terrorists as you navigate treacherous terrains and conquer dangerous missions. Let your bullets fly in this mega hit saga. Dominate this action-packed campaign and boast top bragging rights.
In this explosively awesome and challenging first person shooter game, be prepared for levels that are MASSIVE. We jam packed your game play with extreme enemies, unbelievable traps, and extensive weaponry to locate and utilize. لهذا السبب ، يمكن أن يستغرق وقت التحميل في كثير من الأحيان بعض الوقت ...
معدل بلطف! Please don't penalize us with a one-star review, after all, this is a FREE game, and we just wanted to ensure you enjoyed an endless adventure experience. Think of these brief pauses as a breather, after all, it's block eat block out there and you need a second to collect yourself before the next enemy attacks.
أغلقت العاصفة الثلجية في جميع أنحاء البلاد العديد من الشركات ، وقد عاد الناس إلى المنزل مبكرًا أو توقفوا عن الظهور على الإطلاق. المطار الصغير الذي تعمل فيه قد تم إغلاقه بسبب العاصفة التي تتجاوز المحطة الخاصة بك. Given the remote location of this airfield, it comes to no surprise to you that there are no incoming or outgoing flights. The airport where you work closed for two days as a result. Although you turned off the computer before going home, when you returned to work, your computer had been very active while you were away—plotting a terrorist attack. You now find yourself tasked with stopping the attack.
Terrorists are planning bomb threats and scouting out hostages. You cannot allow this to happen. Desperately you try and contact the authorities, but the storm has knocked out several telephone lines and your cell phone has no service. The information on your screen includes a date, a time and a location... all of which begin in your secluded neck of the woods where the terrorists are hiding out and plotting their attack. An ex- military man, you know what must be done.
Immersive 3D graphics and amazing animations bring this modern military game to life. تجعل الواجهة البديهية وعناصر التحكم القائمة على وسادة سهلة الاستخدام التنقل سهلاً وتسمح لك بالتركيز على المعارك المقبلة. Amass an arsenal of melee and firearm weapons and mow down your enemy, or show off your sheer brute force and take them down in hand-to-hand style combat. حدد موقع واستخدام مجموعة رائعة من الذخيرة والصحة والميجا وامتيازات السرعة البطيئة. استمتع بهذه التقاطات بينما يمكنك لأنها لن تستمر. مع تقدمك من خلال المستويات ، تزداد هجمات العدو وتناقص هذه المساعدات ، مما يبرز ألعاب اللعبة إلى العظام العارية. اعرض مهاراتك وردود الفعل السريعة والمخزون الضخم لإنجاز المهمة.
★★ ميزات اللعبة ★★
-رسومات نمط العالم
قتال لا سيما
-Ammo, Health and Speed Pickups
-تنوع سلاح الأسلحة النارية والسلاح الناري
وجهات النظر الأرية عبر خريطة الكيان
-عداد الصحة
-Hand-to-Hand Combat
**** تنصل ****
Counterattack Block War Games is not associated with Minecraft nor any of its skins, textures or characters. This game is an awesome creation of its own that boasts heart-pounding running and shooting action for a thrilling adventure. يتمتع!